Monday, June 28, 2010

On the Mend...We Think!

Thanks everyone for wishing Gidget well...I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!! When my baby is sick...MAMA’s NOT HAPPY. Well, we think Gidget is on the mend...her “potty” could look a little we may have to go back to the vet...but little girl is doing so much better. She couldn’t wait to get home to her back own backyard...she’s been at the babysitter while my husband and I were at my Aunt and Uncle’s 50th Wedding Anniversary this past weekend. Anyway, Gidget is playing with her toys, has a healthy appetite, and is running around and barking at anything that moves.
The anniversary party was a blast and like a family reunion. Unfortunately, I forgot to take my camera to the party...duh. So I’m hoping that one of my cousins, who say they hate getting on their computers, will send me a photo someday. 
I’m can say that as much fun as the weekend was...I’m glad to be home. As my husband and I headed home from San Diego, our car temperature light came on in Yuma Arizona...YES YUMA. If you don’t know anything about Yuma, can I just say it’s hotter than...well you know where. We had to let the car cool off and then added water. We did this the rest of the way home and finally made it. Guess you can figure out what my husband’s next “honey do” is. 
Well, Gidget and I are off to walk the property and see how our garden grows. 
P.S. Received an email from “Keepsake Quilting” and saw this wonderful recipe for “Punch Bowl Cake”...looks fantastic for next weekend festivities. ENJOY!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Little Under the Weather

Well...Mommy (Me) has been a bit stressed out...this was my little sweetheart not feeling very well a couple of days ago.

Little Gidget Marie loves to chase lizards and may have tagged one the other night. She woke up on Sunday and I could tell she wasn’t her normal little self. Daddy was outside working in the yard and Gidget usually goes between Mommy and Daddy until Mommy gets up and joins Daddy outside. Well...I slept longer on Sunday because I didn’t have my little girl kissing my face until I woke up. I finally got up and went to see what Gidget was up to and to see what was more interesting than waking me up. I found her on her side on a chair in our living room that she hardly ever frequents. I gave her a kiss and she didn’t even respond...well, I knew something was up. Of course, I went and found my husband to see if he knew what was wrong with Gidget. As much as I love my husband...I got a “MAN” response. I went and looked around the yard to see if I could see a half eatin’ something but to no avail. Then, I checked out her favorite chair outside and that’s when I found a regurgitated something.

Well...I tended to Gidget all day and at times she seemed better and then not so good. I read some things on the internet and decided I would go get her a little Pepto Bismol to see if that might help a bit. It I made Gidget some chicken and rice and she ate it up right away. So I thought we were home free. Noooooooooope...she woke up at 1 AM on Monday morning and had to go I followed her. OMGosh...there was blood in her stool!!!! I freaked out!!! She went back to bed and was shaking and of course I was in tears. I fired up my computer and back to the internet I went. I found some information that settled me down a said not to freak out...that real red blood usually means that there is some lower intestine issues and is not necessarily an emergency. I got back in bed with Gidge and set my alarm for 5:30 AM. Into the shower and off to the vet we went. Gidget has done this kind of thing before but I had not seen blood before.

Long story shorter...the vet gave Gidget what they call “fluid therapy” (some type of liquid injected just under the skin that rehydrates the animal). Gidget looked like she was the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Looks funny but it works really well!! We also got some antibiotics and were on our way.

Well...I’m happy to report that my baby is soooooo much better today...thank goodness!! She’ll be ready to say “hi” pretty soon to Penny, Maisy, Max, Buster, Bailey and all her other blog doggie friends very soon.

Also on the horizon, I’ll share some of my son’s wedding pics but we are waiting on the photographer. We had a blast and I don’t think my husband and I stopped smiling the entire time. We are going to San Diego this weekend for my Aunt and Uncle’s 50th wedding anniversary. Looking forward to will be like a family reunion.


Monday, June 7, 2010

Spring 2010 QQ Stash Bashers Quilt Retreat

Well, the last entry on our blog was about getting ready for 40 women at our 2nd Quilted Quickies Stash Bashers Quilt Retreat. Well, what a BLAST we had and what a GREAT GROUP of women!!! 
This was a high energy retreat where we worked on UFO know...what a novel idea to work on stuff we already have...tee hee...I really feel that working on what we have in our stash is the best...especially in these economic times. 
We had a “western” theme for this particular quilt retreat. It really fit the facility...COD Ranch in Oracle Arizona (35 North East of Tucson). COD Ranch is a gorgeous facility and has a unique Southwest charm. The ranch is made up of adobe casitas, beautiful desert landscaping, and a sewing hall with a wonderful view.
Our the fun began on May 13th and ended on May 16th but we took lots of photos and even have a commemorative video to prove that we had a great time. See movie below. We had so much fun that we are planning a Fall retreat in September of this year. If you are interested, please click here for retreat details. We would so love to have you join us for our next quilt retreat that will feature a “quilt prisoner” theme...should be lots of fun and full of laughs!
Anyway...please take a look at our fun video if you have about 10 minutes to spare. Click here for the retreat video fun! or click on the movie below. Oh...and Miss Gidget has a little feature presentation in the video as well.

xo and enjoy,